I am so excited to introduce a fabulous new contributor to our site! Lydia, of The Party Wagon, is here today to share some adorable valentines card ideas today on the Ruff Draft.
We know there is a need for super cool valentine’s cards for boys that don’t include all pink and hearts! Lydia approached us with these 3 fun Valentine Card ideas and we happily designed them for her to style and have photograph.
Lydia is here today to share these ideas with you…. Thanks so much, Lydia!
In Lydia’s Words…
“When it comes time for the annual Valentine’s Day card exchange at your child’s school, tee up the creativity with these fun ideas for sharing the love! These ideas were created with my son in mind, but they work equally well for girls and boys!
My son loves golf, and he especially loves collecting as many tees as he can stuff into his golf bag! I knew he would love telling his friends how “Tee- rific” they were! Using golf tees and white gumballs, here is an easy idea that is sure to be a winner!
They make perfect little packages when put in cellophane bags…add a little bit of paper “grass” and put a colorful tee and a white gumball in the bag. (If giving to younger children, opt for the smaller-sized gumballs~ they look just as cute!) If you want the gumball to stay in place on the tee, add a dot of white icing. I attached the Anders Ruff Tee-Rific Valentine card with an adorable mini clothes pin, but you can simply punch a hole in the card, add a ribbon, and tie to the top of the bag!
Another great idea to get their little motors running on Valentine’s Day…WHEELIE COOL CARS for WHEELIE COOL FRIENDS!
I found packages of colorful cars at The Dollar Store and used them to create Valentine gifts~ the Wheelie Cool Vintage Car Anders Ruff Designs Valentine card ties it all together!
I love the vintage car on the Valentine card…the boys and the girls will love having something to zoooom… the parents will love not having extra candy!
You can easily attach a car to the bottom of the card (using a Glue Dot or clear tape). Or, you can package it in a clear bag. I found bags with red and white stripes at Party City!
And, here is little idea dreamed up by my son~ I am pretty sure he is going to be quite the charmer! He requested that he give SLIME to his friends for Valentine’s Day! Charming, right? Well, we had a good time making slime and trying out recipes. You can also buy pre-made slime to give to friends if you like. The key to pulling-off giving slime for Valentine’s Day is presentation, presentation, presentation. I was thrilled to have a cute (and still very boyish) tag designed by Anders Ruff Designs to help us make it work! Instead of, “I’m Yours” these tags read, “Slime Yours!”
We put slime in dome containers from Shop Sweet Lulu. I tied the tags to a lollipop stick using ribbon and attached the stick to the container with tape. You can use Washi Tape to make it more decorative. The tags also contain the ingredients needed for making your own slime.
So there you have it… three easy, fun ideas for a Valentine’s Day card exchange! I hope your little Sweethearts’ Valentine’s Day is a tee-rific, wheelie-cool (and a little bit slimy) day!”
Thanks so much for sharing these today, Lydia!
Find the Tee-rific Golf Valentine Printable, Wheelie Cool Car Valentine Printable and Smile Yours Valentines in our shop. You can find many other printable valentines in our shop here.
– Printable Valentine Cards: Anders Ruff (Available here)
– Photography: ZoomWorks Studio
– Concept & Styling: The Party Wagon
– Blue Striped Paper Loaf Pans & Dome Containers: Shop Sweet Lulu
– Gumballs & Favor Bags: Party City
Very Clever! The 3 ideas are just too cute! My son would love the Wheelie Cool Vintage Car idea!
It is so nice to see Lydia’s work over here. This is a great collection and a much needed one. I love boy themes and Lydia is super talented and thoughtful.
Lovely ideas. I don’t much like chewing gum or gum balls so I was thinking balls of fondant instead with a light dusting of edible silver dust. Perhaps something like that.