Yolanda of Kiss with Style, put together a Mister Maker art party. However, instead of going to the Doodle drawer or art and craft shop to get the needed supplies she asked us to design them. After putting everything together Yolanda did a little dance waking this party up and making it come to life. Just like Mister Maker himself would do!
What we love about this party:
– Canvas art cookies on individual mini easels
– Cupcakes displayed on paint pallet
– Colored pencil applique wrapped around base of cake
Other great art parties:
– A Bright and Trendy Arts and Crafts Party
– A Rainbow Arts and Crafts Party
– A Precious Arts and Crafts Party
The canvas cookies on the mini easels are so incredible cute. The cookies would be easy to make by spreading on the white frosting and letting it set. Then drop splashes of other colors onto it giving it a real Picasso feel!
The paintbrushes and rollers used as decorations on the dessert table are perfect for helping to set the tone and for creating masterpieces. Finding items that can serve double rolls at a party is always a plus!
– Party Styling: Yolanda of Kiss with Style in Australia
– Printable Invitation & Printable designs: Anders Ruff
Other SOURCES to help create a Mister Maker art party
– Colored Pencil Cake Wrap
– Mini Easels
– Wood Paint Pallet
– Mini Clear Paint Cans
– Large Silver Paint Cans
– Paint Brushes (round large tip and thin tip)
– Rainbow Plates
– Rainbow Napkins
– Paint Rollers with Shapes and Textures
– Cake Pop Sticks