Got What It Cakes Cakery & Mandie Miller – Mandie Shuts Charlotte Bakery Doors this week! Cake Roundup!

charlotte bakery

 charlotte bakery

This girl.  Mandie Miller. i.e. Got What It Cakes.  She has changed the way we look at cakes! Seriously.  Step back to 2011.  Adria and I were only 1 year into our business and we had not found a professional “caker” or Charlotte Bakery that we liked for our styled photoshoots and parties.  We connected somehow someway randomly on facebook and decided to meet up at Starbucks.  I didn’t know who I was meeting or how she would change Anders Ruff and our future photoshoots with cake!  I just happened to be having Pierson’s Super Hero Party that next week and Mandie offered to make a cake, and you better believe I was game.  From there, a wonderful friendship and collaborative partnership started. 

For the past 5 years, we have worked with Mandie on parties for our kids, her kids, work projects, styled shoots, projects for celebrities and projects for big major movie companies.  There are so many shoots that we have worked with Mandie on, that it is hard to even remember them all!  I had to tap into our portfolio to even remember them all!

Mandie opened a physical bakery location in Charlotte about 2 years ago.  Her company has been through a lot of changes because of the huge demand for her birthday cakes, cupcake samplers, and other sweets.  She just recently announced she is shutting the doors to focus on her family.  I am SO sad to see Got What It Cakes close, but I am SO proud of Mandie. I am SO happy for her.  YOLO and Mandie loves to live life to the fullest. All of those 4 am nights making gorgeous cakes, now she can focus on what really matters – her girls and husband.  I know whatever Mandie does next will be AMAZE. 

Mandie is not only extremely talented, but she needs to be the mayor of Charlotte. The woman knows everyone.  Everyone knows her and loves her.  She has not only become a wonderful business collaborative partner, but a great friend. I love you, Mandie!

We have done SO MANY projects together, and I wanted to give a tribute to the one and only, Mandie!  Here is the most amazing Throwback Thursday dedicated to Mandie and her cakes! In no particular order….

super hero party

The first cake she made was for Pierson’s Vintage Super Hero Party. Can you say love at first sight? AMAZING!

easter cake

She spent hours on this amazing Easter Cake from our Spring has Sprung Easter Party I still can’t believe how she matched our colors and pattern so perfectly….

snow white cake

This white ruffle cake is absolutely gorgeous – for our Fairy Tale Classics Party...

Happy Haunted Halloween Printable Design Collection Party

These Mason Jar Cupcakes were SO cute that Mandie made for our Haunted Halloween Party…

ruffle cake

This stunning ruffle creation still has my heart pitter pattering…. Can you say DETAILS!? This was from our Girl Doll Party that we loved to have for our friends who visited from Australia from Kiss with Style…

lego inspired cake

This Lego Party Cake was incredible. She made this for Jeffrey’s Modern Building Brick party….

emily maynard cake

This one was one to remember…. the Glamping Cake.  This was from the Glamping Party we styled for Ricki (Emily Maynard’s daughter). This was an all time favorite cake!

ninja cake

Jeffrey’s Ninja Party was SO amazing partially because of this amazing Ninja Cake Mandie made….

pizza party cake ideas

Can you say Its’a Pizza’ria Par’ty! Mandie made this precious cake for Pierson’s Little Chef Pizza Party.

paris cupcakes

Remember when Universal Studios hired us to style a Bridesmaids themed girls night in party? Mandie made these adorable parisian cupcakes! LOVE!

paris themed party cake

valentines day cake

This could quite possibly be the most adorable Cupcake valentine’s Day cake!?

 4th of july cake

Talk about stunning – fireworks went off when we saw this Pinwheels 4th of July Party Cake that Mandie made back in 2011.

bowling party cake

Our Retro Bowling Party is one I’ll never forget. (Me setting up in record time at a darn bowling alley!) Mandie always made our cakes so they matched our printables perfectly!

glamoween cake

And then there is the fun girlie Glam Halloween Party Cake…. LOVE it!

elf on the shelf

These cute little Snowcone Cupcakes were SO PRECIOUS for our Magical Elf Christmas Party.

magic elf christmas party printables-05


Vintage Super Hero Party Desserts

Microphone Cake Pop Ice Cream Cone Wrap

Oh, and when Sony hired us to style a One Direction themed party, we had Mandie make these microphone cake pops in ice cream cones! I DIE! LOVE!

Cake pop microphone for One Direction This is US


barbie cake

And last but not least, our Barbie in Princess Power party for Universal Studios… one of my favorites. Mandie never disappoints! Can you believe the talent this girl has?

barbie party

Oh, and we LOVE the parties Mandie styled for her gorgeous daughters…. using our printables! We love teaming up with her and even if she closes the cakery, you better believe we will find a way to keep her involved! đŸ˜‰

Her gorgeous Parisian themed party for Bella….mermaid party cake

Her incredible Nautical Mermaid party…

A glam jewelry party….

jewelry party

SO many memories….


There are only 2 days left until she officially closes the doors to her cakery.  You better believe I will be there tomorrow! If you live in the Charlotte area, you should POP by! Got What It Cakes is located at 219 Main Street.