Unique and fun dessert cups can take your treats from mundane to masterful. Popcorn is just popcorn, but if you put it in a fun and colorful paper cone all of sudden people think it’s hands down the best they’ve ever tasted. Presentation, presentation, presentation! Below are some fabulous and unique individual dessert cup ideas that have been shared with us that will take your desserts from ordinary to extraordinary and your popcorn popping skills will rank right up there with Jamie Oliver and Julia Childs (or so people will think).
Water Bottles
Inspiration from Grace’s Gymnastics Party Post (Anders Ruff Gymnastics printables available here)
Small Glass Jars with Locking Lids
Inspiration from Ricki Maynard’s Glam Camping Birthday Party Post (Anders Ruff Camping printables available here)
Paper Cones (cardstock and Bat logos)
Inspiration from Batman Inspired Super Hero Party Post (Anders Ruff Super Hero printables available here)
Plastic 2 oz. Shot Glasses (Round and Square)
Inspiration from Pierson’s Super Hero Party Post (Anders Ruff Super Hero printables available here)
Small Mason Jar or Jelly Jar
Inspiration from Pierson’s Dinosaur Excavation Party Post (Anders Ruff Dinosaur Excavation printables available here)
Clear Acrylic Box:
Inspiration from Ricki Maynard’s Glam Camping Birthday Party Post (Anders Ruff Camping printables available here)
Plastic Pedestal Glasses (Round Plastic Glasses or Square Pedestal Glasses)
Inspiration from an American Girl Inspired Party Post (Anders Ruff American Girl Inspired printables available here)
French Fry Holder (Polk Dot One Here)
Inspiration from Jen Carvers Hollywood Movie Party Post (Anders Ruff Movie collection printables available here)
These are just a few of my favorite, but take a “scroll” through our partyfolio to find lots of other creative and and fun ways to serve your guests their desserts and treats!