Adria and I just got back into town from visiting The Hamptons for Venus Williams 2nd party to launch her new tennis clothing line, Eleven by Venus Williams. (Which, by the way, is amazing!) The fabulous Lara Shrifman has successfully planned two of three parties for Venus and we were so excited to attend the 2nd event, the Hamptons launch party.
In our hotel lobby, Adria was just browsing Hamptons Magazine and opened up to a 2 page spread on Venus’ Miami tennis party photos, which featured our work. It was such a positive way to start off our weekend and we can’t wait to share more details. We met some amazing and talented people and are truly grateful for the opportunity!
Read the full article here online on the Hamptons Magazine online site.
Be sure to stay tuned for the full story about our trip to The Hamptons! We adore Venus!