I am thrilled to share this precious party with you! Our fabulous team member, Caryn, just had a super adorable Little Chef / Baking Party for her daughter, Lauren.
I knew our shop needed a fresh new baking party concept, and when Caryn’s daughter chose a Baking themed party, my wheels got spinning. I custom designed graphics for her party and are thrilled to show off some of Caryn’s precious ideas today. She did such a wonderful job!
Caryn sent out this invitation (in the shop now!)
Starting with the children’s table…
Caryn displayed a framed printable party sign from the printable party collection in the center of the table.
At each child’s place setting, Caryn had a wish, wooden spoon and rolling pin. She found the wooden rolling pin at the craft store and painted the ends of the rolling pin based on if it was for a boy or girl. The boys got aqua, and the girls got pink. She also had 3 glass ramekins for each child (to be used during the baking part of the party)
We designed a printable personalized place mat that Caryn printed and laminated for each child’s place setting. Such a great part of the decor and a take home favor at the end of the party.
Caryn’s mom made the cutest cafe curtains that matched the decor of pink and aqua/light blue. These were SO cute and a great backdrop to coordinate the party. She then strung the scalloped shape printable banner that we designed from the curtains.
I’m excited to share more photos of the setup….
Isn’t her daughter, Lauren, precious!? I designed a logo with each child’s name that Caryn then ironed onto aprons that her mom sewed. Her mom got solid white aprons to use as the base and added ruffle embellishments and ribbon trim around the neck. Her mom also made the adorable chef hats with matching trim around the band/edges. She even made these adjustable so they Velcro in the back!
Here is another shot oft he adorable aprons. There were two boys, so she made boy appropriate aprons as well. Pierson, my son, loved his!
Here are some more setup photos. Caryn displayed glass bottles with party flags adorned on paper straws. Pink lemonade was displayed in a glass carafe and embellished with a ruffle backed party logo. She also displayed waters with printable drink wraps.
Caryn added coordinating fabric to her backsplash to tie the kitchen in with the kids table area.
Now, to the activities….
The first activity was baking pizzas. Each child was given a lump of pizza dough that they could roll out on their laminated place mat with their rolling pin. Then, they were given the 3 ramekins full of sauce, cheese and pepperoni.
Next, the kids made their own fruit skewers. Since the kids are only 3 and 4, this was a great age appropriate activity. My son, Pierson, was LOVING these fruit skewers!
Caryn’s 6 year old daughter, Elyse, did such a great job helping the 3 and 4 year olds!
Next, the kids got to decorate cupcakes. They loved adding their own icing and sprinkles. Some mixed their blue and pink icing to make purple…. they all loved their creations (and loved eating them).
At the end of the party, the kids prepped one of their favors. They got to make Bakerella’s cowgirl cookies. The kids loved it!
Caryn used the printable favor tag on the cookie container and then put the recipe on the backside.
Lauren had so much fun with her friends!
Caryn and her sweet Lauren… and then Andy and the fam. Such a cute family!
Great job, Caryn!
You can find the full collection of printables including the invitation, decor and other accessories here.
Styling by Caryn Johnson of Anders Ruff
Printable Graphic Invitation and Decor / Photography by Anders Ruff
Paper Straws from Polka Dot Market
Glass Milk Bottles from My Little Love
SO cute! Love the colors for the party!!!!
Amazing Idea!
So cute! All of the little details are adorable! Cute theme and party!
you KNOW this party is right up my alley!!! great job caryn! love everything
Absolutely gorgeous party…I love it!!
Super cute! Love all of it – invitations, decorations, colors, details.
What a great idea for a birthday party!
Looks like a super fun party!
Too cute. Would love to see this in a boy version.
Would love to see this in a boy version.
where are those white frames from? they are so cute! i see them everywhere!
Adorable! Congratulation!
Hi ,
This is absolutely beautiful.my daughter is turning five next month and i was planning something like this at home.since i have a home run bakery , i thought why not give it a try.
you guys gave me such wonderful inspirations.
thank you.
Keep up the good work
P.s. I have attached the website for my bakery . You can follow me on Facebook too in the following link.
Welcome! We will check you out.
Love your website can you kindly share where you got the cute chef hats and aprons from.?
Hi Angie! Caryn’s mom made them – but sookeedesigns makes adorable ones that could probably be exactly the same – You can reach out to her at Monica@SookEeDesigns.com
She made aprons for my son’s pizza party that we have on our home page right now.
The graphic on the front is an iron on that we do sell, though, if you are interested.